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Vectric User Group 2013

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 8:46 am
by jeb2cav
Hi Folks - a short note to point out that there are still seats available at the Vectric User Group Meeting, 4-5 Oct 2013, in Las Vegas. If this is close to you, or something to combine with a vacation to Las Vegas - you cannot beat the value of attending. I'd expect registration to close soon as this is a popular event (because of the value). If you're thinking of going, I'd recommend you decide and sign up now - vice finding no more room at the inn.

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Re: Vectric User Group 2013

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 2:40 pm
I've attend several and can say, 'It is worth the money and the time", I learned more during the first coffee break, than a month of Sundays chewing up wood in the shop.
So if at all possible go and learn from the very best.

Re: Vectric User Group 2013

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 10:09 am
by jeb2cav
James posted in the Software section that this is now 2/3 full.