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What would you like to see?

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 11:01 am
by al wolford
As part of the ongoing effort to improve our product offers Rockler would like your feedback.
Are there options or accessories or modifications for the Shark systems that we don't currently include ?
Feel free to give us ideas no matter how wild they may seem.I will get it started:
1) Free or discounted Vectric software that is not currently offered.
2) Longer table package.
3) 4th axis
Let us know.

Re: What would you like to see?

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 11:49 am
by sk8nmike
1) Limit switches would be nice.

2) Method to consistently find a spot on the table. Maybe a function using the touch plate or a piece of angled stock to find X and Y.

3) Longer table is on the list but I don't want to send my Shark off to accomplish it.

Re: What would you like to see?

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 2:24 pm
by milo30
Definitely limit switches with the control panel having a set x.y zero capability. That would be an update that I would definitely pay for.

Re: What would you like to see?

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 3:12 pm
by rungemach
2 years overdue on the switches, so it seems to be a known issue..

"Re: 4th axis preview date
by Tim Owens ยป Thu Feb 23, 2012 9:49 am

Yes touch plate and homing switches are this quarter."

Re: What would you like to see?

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 7:02 pm
by monitoringpost
Limit switches ... PLEASE!

Re: What would you like to see?

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 11:09 am
by lsvien
Limit switches, 4th axis, and a hand controller.

Re: What would you like to see?

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 12:47 pm
by 4DThinker
Limit/home switches and a homing routine in the control software that will send the router to the exact center of its cutting area when done.
Stiffener/braces across the t-track sections to make them act as one unit.

Two Y motors, and no bar running under the table. Why? To add the 4th axis INSIDE the table leaving the router mounted as usual. Make the two or three middle sections of t-track slide out to find a quick-mount for the A motor and tail stock beneath.

Bracing across the back of the gantry to remove any flex or sag of the router. I had to add this myself to my HD 2.0.

Redesign the dust brush to make it move up and down as the bit plunges. Mount it on a spring for example. The current design is ineffective.

Figure out how to control the speed of the router used from the controller software. Read the RPM from the VCarve file, then somehow signal the router to run at that speed. yes, I understand this will take a new generation of 'smarter" routers.

Re: What would you like to see?

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 1:21 pm
by McBuster
Wish List

Limit Switches
Hard wired and adjustable on X.Y.Z Axis

Router Power on Control Panel
Ability to turn on Router On/Off from Control Panel

Physical Index on X.Y Axis for (0,0)
Index Marks on X/Y Axis (Like a Table Saw for 0.00) - Would be helpful when using Jigs on the Table for speedy alignment to (0,0)

Option - Right Mouse Click On X Y Z Button
Provide an Option to Disable the Right Mouse Click on these Buttons. Once the Pointer is on a X Y Z Button, and the Right Click Event fires, that Axis starts moving and will not stop until the Pointer is moved off that Button. This would be a good Safety Feature.

Option - 0, 0, 0 Movement
Provide a Button somewhere on the Panel, which when Clicked, will Disable the 0, 0, 0 Button. Click again, the 0, 0, 0 Button is Enabled. During Alignment, or just moving about, this would be a good Safety Feature.

Option - Touch Plate Dialogs
Provide the ability to Enable/Disable the various messages for the Touch Panel usage. Once in a rythym, these can be a nuisance.

Job Restart
Be able to Restart a Tap File at a specific Line Nbr.

Servo Motor Excess Current
If one makes something stupid happen, or is not close by on a long job when it turns Rogue, by sensing (excess) Servo Motor current draw in the Control Panel, the whole thing could be shut down without doing major damage to the Shark mechanism.

After a Toolpath File is processed, the Chuck returns to 0, 0, 0. This is fine, but then alot of the time, the router has to be moved to get at the work on the bed. It might be nice to add an Optional "Park" Feature to each Toolpath File. If Enabled, at the end of creating the Toolpath, one would specify the X, Y, Z Values and place the Gantry at a spot convenient for that Toolpath. Since this is specific to the Toolpath, the Park location could be specific to each Process to make life more convenient.

Security and Registration etc ...
I have been around alot of development and installation dialogs. Whether Vectric or Wave, these folks need to take a Deep Breath and realize one thing. If, they want to collect Names and Addresses of users, the process could be alot simpler. A sixty character code is silly. And a Thirty Day window? For a unit I just paid alot of money for? Should be better. This process is the clumsiest I have ever seen. I may have Registered VCarve three times by now. As far as secret codes etc to actually run the machine, without the Control Box, nothing runs. What better Security does one need?

Post Processor Files
Wow, overwhelming at best. For me, I will probably never work in Metric nor ever use the plethora of devices listed. By backing up the "PostP" Folder in its entirety, archiving it somewhere, all the Metric ".pp" Files can be deleted followed by all those you might not ever use. My Dropdown Box now contains the single ".pp" File I will always use. Much simpler. Locations for all these things can be found around page 110 of The Manual. One can always add back, a post processor needed at a future date.

Hard Stops On Each Axis
One should take the time to mark the Hard Stops at each end of each Axis. Use red tape, marker, whatever, but some form of visual indication how far to go manually before the servo motor is jammed.

Led Strip Lights
Would sure be nice to have two strips of Leds under the router platform to ensure the chuck/bit are readily visible.

Custom Nuts
Where the ordinary nut with nylon insert is tucked away in the frame, create a custom nut that would conform to the outline of the hole. Providing a larger bearing surface. Less deformation.

Would not the use of washers increase the surface area under stress and provide for a better fit?

Touch Plate
Here is an idea for making this easier to use. Courtesy Dave of Rockler Maplewood Mn.

This would require making a new cord for the plate. But, not hard to do, just keep the connector polarity correct.

Get the two plugs needed and some speaker wire. Then, instead of a pigtail at the end like now, run a wire from the control box up to the router itself. Then, if you have Sam's billet clamp, loosen a nut for it and with a proper connector crimped on the end of the wire, slip it under the nut and tighten. Or, loosen the plastic clamp and tuck in next to the router body. Or, any other screw/nut/bolt that makes contact with the body of the router somewhere.

Control Panel Physically Present
It would be useful to not have the Control Panel Box physically plugged in to the computer, and run the Control Panel Software. I do all my development in a room on the 2nd floor, and the equipment is in the basement. The Control Panel time estimates are usually very good. So, one can tweak the G-Code for the best timing.

Plastic Router Clamp
This would be more useful if, the front two holes that hold the clamp to the support would be larger. That way, one would tighten the back two, whose bolts are tight in their holes and serve as dowel pins. Then, tighten the clamp itself and finally the front two holes. Now, those front holes are so tight to the bolt, there is no give at all, and the only clamping force is the deformation caused by the front bolt as it is tightened.

Touch Plate Usage
Sometimes, when using this, the Z Axis comes down so hard, a bit can be chipped. Specifically, the sixty degree bit Rockler sells with a 1/2" shank. Make an adjustment to the downward rate so can establish continuity without any issues.

v2.0 User Interface
Some ideas for simply regrouping existing features. The ToolPath and G-Code can be swapped with the Button.

Re: What would you like to see?

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 3:14 pm
by ohiococonut
I believe if NWA wants to keep a happy and growing customer base they would consider building an all metal machine. I've yet to hear of anyone that was satisfied that they had to work within the "limitations" of the machine. That being the flex in the gantry which in turn causes the user to have to sloooow down. And when you have to slow down to 1/3 or 1/4 the speed of an all metal machine...............THAT'S a problem.

I understand the Shark is designed to be an out of the box plug-n-play CNC router but the end user should not have to develop ways to compensate for it's inadequacies. The Only limitation should be the size of the machine. New software is being developed every day that allows us, the users, to design 3D files that were unheard of a few short years ago but if you are looking at a 20hr finish cut because of the "limitation" of the machine, you just get discouraged. That's what happened to me.

I recently completed building an all metal machine with most of the bells and whistles everyone here is asking for and it has a cutting area of 49-1/2" x 49-1/2". It will cut all of my designs in 1/3 to 1/4 the time it would take my Shark Pro Plus HD simply because of the flex in the gantry. Those times are not guesstimates, they're fact. I refused to work with a limitation that should be corrected by the manufacturer. Since I have completed my build the Shark will remain unplugged until I rebuild and strengthen it and then it will only be used for 4th axis and dovetail cutting.

Where's the 4th axis that was "supposed" to be forthcoming, how long ago? It's one thing to say somethings coming but it's another not to produce it or even tell anyone it's been delayed. Bad for business.
The newest Black Diamond? Well................never put lipstick on a pig, it just annoys them.
I won't be holding my breath waiting on NWA, I've moved on.

Re: What would you like to see?

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 4:22 pm
by milo30
I forgot to add this to my earlier request. Change the shark software that takes the bit to 0.0.0 before the cutting begins. I would like to be able to set my zero on the table at times and would rather have a convenient way of doing it than the process that it would take as is. Sometimes I need a little deeper cut and I'll jog it down a few thousandths and them I risk having a hole in the center of my project.