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Cut 3D Fails to Install

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:53 pm
by tsmall9006
I just purchased the HD machine and cant get the Vectric Cut 3D software to load. I get an error message F. Anyone know why, or what I can do?

Re: Cut 3D Fails to Install

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:26 pm
by jeb2cav
I haven't seen that one and while there is a post on the Vectric forum on the same question, there's no answer yet.

What operating system are you using? Some other ideas (shooting in the dark a little) - 1) disable your anti-virus application before running the installer 2) if you're using Win 7 or Vista, exit the installer when it pops up, navigate to the cd in windows explorer, right click on the installer exe file, and select run as administrator.

You can also send a direct query to Vectric support - If you figure this out, please post your solution - this is a new question, but seems like it may be happening to more folks and having the answer in hand will benefit all.

Good luck.