Not responding

Discussion about the CNC Shark Pro Plus HD

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Not responding

Post by DHollis »

I connected to the controller with my computer. Using the Jog commands I can’t move the router in any direction. Last weekend it worked fine. Started a project on Saturday and could not move anything. Checked the main fuse, replaced the internal fuse (just in case) and pulled the SD card out and checked it. No luck. Still can’t move anything. I can hear the normal sounds by the motors so you would think it would work.

Tried to update software and got error message saying “socket error”. Does anyone have any ideas on the problem?

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Re: Not responding

Post by Rando »


It's hard to tell, since it's having such a system-killing effect. ....

Power looks good in the box, and you can connect to via a computer? or is this just using a/the pendant?
Can it run GCode at all? It's odd that it would start the motors but then not be able to move them. Any chance the config settings of the control panel software got changed/broken?

Does the controller software BELIEVE it's jogging? That is, do the numbers change? Did you try incremental jogging with 0.5" or similar large jog amount? Is the keypad unplugged (sorry!) or has it goes usb-wacky and needs the unplug-replug routine? If the motors are getting warm, that indicates likely no power problems. With it connecting to the software properly, it certainly seems like the processing parts are okay. Any chance the box was dropped and one or more of the motor-driver modules has become dislodged enough to confuse things? Or maybe some other plug/connector/jumper?

And of course, did any upsetting OS patches get applied in the intervening time? Any software installs/updates?

(earlier posts advising to check other things, in review, revealed insufficient attention to your original post; if you saw it, my apologies ;-) ).

Hope that helps, DHollis. Being without machine (due to the move) is killing me too :D.


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Re: Not responding

Post by Rando »

DHollis wrote:Tried to update software and got error message saying “socket error”. Does anyone have any ideas on the problem?
That specific error means that some persistent-connection style communications link between the computer and (likely) the controller box has failed, due to some unknown error. Essentially, when the software went back to check, the phone line between the two was dead.

This error is most commonly associated with TCP/IP communications over the internet. The controller software might do that when it's trying to validate the license keys on startup (of the controller software), so having internet-access issues MIGHT cause that error. But, that isn't the ONLY place the system uses socket-based connections.

That error can also happen if there are generalized USB or networking issues on the computer. Those can be caused by badly updating software or drivers, or just because after a while a computer can get confused. If it's the last, rebooting from power-off (sometimes requiring pulling the cord!) usually clears those. If it's involving a peripheral, then shutting down that peripheral (and any other powered-peripherals connected to that computer via USB) might clear an issue on those.

Well, hopefully that gives you some ideas of what might be making life less happy.


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Re: Not responding

Post by DHollis »

Thanks for the ideas Thom. I had done some of them but not all. This will give me some more items to check. Thanks again.

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