Z- stuck

Discussion about the CNC Shark Pro Plus HD

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Posts: 43
Joined: Sat Oct 06, 2012 12:37 pm

Z- stuck

Post by DougE »

I am running a lot of 2 inch thickness Styrofoam at full speed.

My Shark is enclosed, with a large intake for dust collector, with inlet slots for air flow across the surface.

The Styrofoam is creating a lot of dust.

I occasionally open the main door to the enclosure and blow air witht he air-line to clear the Z worm and everything else.

I was doing this, but, I left the room for 20 minutes. Just as I walked back into the room the Z was raising, as it was about to make a journey to the upper Y area of the project. I could hear it make a hesitant 'groan' as it rose and it began to travel across the piece to its new cutting position. As it travelled it cut right through the entire surface because it hadn't travelled to safe Z. It then began to choke on driving down in Z, then it released and went down and began cutting dead air.

I stopped the machine and tried to jog Z up. The stepper began to groan... then it released and rose.

"Hmm,... wtf is going on.?" I think to myself.

Ok,.. I discover there is a deposit of the Styrofoam about midway up the worm gear. I blow it clear (with some effort from the air nozzle)

I cleaned everything up and relubed all surfaces.

Ok,... so,.. what would you people recommend ?

Is there an anti-static lube that can be applied to the worm gears and other surfaces ? Styrofoam is notoriously static charged when cut.

Any and all suggestions will be considered helpful.

Oh,... dust boot.

I'm cutting 2 inches deep. I have my own dust boot with 4 inch bristles, and this does not work. Due to the depth of the cut a dust boot does not get along well with this application. EG,.. when the cut is getting near the 2 inch level the bristles are down low enough to cause serious deflection. Even though the bristles are soft and pliable, at this depth they are at a point where they are under tension.

I am tempted to create a tent of some kind taped to the head with bungees to keep it taught yet allow it to move. However, this is just a pie in the sky thought that won't work out.

Thank you for your time and suggestions.


Posts: 43
Joined: Sat Oct 06, 2012 12:37 pm

Re: Z- stuck

Post by DougE »

Temporary (also known to men as permanent) fix for Z.

see attached image

Baffle made from paper temporary blinds (sold at big box hardware stores.. $5) attached w/double sides adhesive tape.

I will probably make a set of these baffles for the remaining travel zones. I'm still working out the fold & glue method to additionally close the sides . (I'm not an Origami expert, so that might take some time !)

Any other suggestions are welcome and thank you for your time.


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