NEW: Shark HD (Blue) 80mm Spindle Mount Plate

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Re: NEW: Shark HD (Blue) 80mm Spindle Mount Plate

Post by Rando »

ChubbyRooster wrote:Sorry for the late response, we just got our Boxzy and it comes with 1 year subscription to Fusion 360 which I am downloading right now. Will have to see how it works. Does anyone know if you can export files from Vectric (for Shark) as generic G Code?
No problem at all. Is that the German-made one with the snap-in tooling modules?

Are you thinking the GCODE is what you export/import to move a design from Vectric to Fusion? You wouldn't normally transfer design information in the GCODE, as that's the final output of any of the systems. GCODE usually lives only a one-way life, always heading directly toward the CNC machine.

I wouldn't be so quick to move everything into Fusion. Since you still own the licenses to the Vectric stuff, don't you just a post-processor file for your new machine that Vectric software can use? Any chance that's what you're really looking for? A generic post-processor for Vectric? If yes, give a try to the Post processors GCode_inch.pp, GCode_mm.pp, GCode_arc_inch.pp, and GCode_arc_mm.pp. Those should be in C:\ProgramData\Vectric\VCarvePro\V8.5\PostP folder. Of course, if you're not using 8.5, your version number will be there. They look about as generic as you could find.

That said, depending on how you've done your Vectric work you can likely get your designs out and moved into Fusion. Export vectors as DXF or DWG; Fusion can import those into a sketch pretty easily. I seem to remember that DXF is "dimensionless", though, so make you have the same units set in Vectric and Fusion when you do the import.

As for solid models imported to Fusion, it will accept the normal STL, STEP and other format...but they will likely not be editable in Fusion, since it doesn't have the underlying geometric bodies (cubes, cylinders, cones, etc.) or sketches.

Also, vectric does a better job in some design aspects compared to Fusion. Engraving and setting text are the two areas I won't even bother using Fusion for. Why? Because "letters" in your Fusion design aren't vectors, they're actual geometric bodies, which are not what are desired by any normal engraving toolpath generators.

If you're new to Fusion, give it a bit of time. There's a pretty steep learning curve at the beginning. You might find it easier to get your bearings in Fusion without being tied to accomplishing the transfer of existing designs. But, that's just how I would do it; different people like to learn and experiment in their own ways, so have at it :D.

Welcome to the Fusion360 user's club!


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Re: NEW: Shark HD (Blue) 80mm Spindle Mount Plate

Post by ChubbyRooster »

Not sure if it is German (made or design), but yes it has the "quick change" tools. So far I am impressed with how it is made, although we have not done much with it, but print a laser test file!
Appreciate all the input and you are correct, really just want to use the right post processor.
Using the Boxzy is actually fairly simple, but already see what you mean about Fusion. I am hoping I can create 3D items in Fusion and move to Vectric (STL file?) so I can then run them on the my Shark. I will also look at the post processor options for my VCarve Desktop and see what I can find.
I also think you are right about trying to keep it simple in Fusion for now and worry about moving things later! Appreciate the insight on the lettering, we do a lot of that on our Shark and just "assumed" we would be able to do that easily and cleanly using Fusion.
Appreciate the comments Thom!

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Re: NEW: Shark HD (Blue) 80mm Spindle Mount Plate

Post by Rando »

Do you have ANY post-processor file for the Boxzy? If you can post that here, I'm happy to take a look. I muck with my Vectric and BobCAD post processors all the time, so I'm guessing a quick look can tell just how easily we can get a good post for you. Depending on what I find, it might even be possible for me to just make you a post file that will work; GCODE isn't really that complicated for most controllers these days. Who knows...Vectric might already be working on one?....

Hmm...I did some poking around on the Boxzy forum, and found a couple things that might move things along:
"We have had a BoXZY User use Artcam with the CNC Shark Pro (inch) output type. He has been able to use it even when working in mm and has achieved very nice results on wood. He cautions that the output file will not adjust feed rates so you have to go with smaller slices. He uses .3mm for a 3mm roughing bit instead of the suggested 2mm. It comes out as a .tap file so you have to change to "all files" when loading it. Whenever using an inch file be sure to add a G21 code (exactly as typed just "G21" by itself on it's own line) at the very end of the gcode to return the machine to mm mode or your manual movements will get extremely long (inches vs mm)....."
That tells me that at least SOME care has to be taken with the operating code..."real" cnc controllers don't have to be put back into Millimeter-mode for the control panel to jog the correct distance...that's the control panel's job, right? If it needs to send a freaking G21 to work reliably, then it should send it!

It looks like, based on a reference buried inside a link in one of the articles on the Boxyz forums, and based on their specified processor type, that the CNC controller is likely running Repetier ( ... roduction/). The Repetier site even has Boxzy as a featured listing: . Yup, I'd call that confirmed: they use Repetier as the firmware running inside an Arduino (Mega2560) board.

So, any documentation from the site that talks about post-procesor things and GCODE compatibility will almost assuredly apply to the Boxzy. Which, by the way, means you have a pretty nicely capable controller with lots of commands Vectric has no idea how to use :P . Boxzy would have to be pretty "special" in the head to make the Repetier software custom to their machines. :? . It appears that the full RepRap (Repetier is the Rep part) GCODE reference can be found here:

As a fairly new system, the Boxzy team is still putting their "ecosystem" of compatible software and features together. For example, one of the posts said that the default Boxyz control panel didn't support jogging....say WHAT? But it went on to say there's a download that will provide that capability: ... +for+Boxzy

Also, this list of troubleshooting items from the Repetier forum ( ... eshooting/) eerily parallels some of the questions posted to the Boxyz forums. This list of solutions is unexpectedly low-level in how to fix things, which typically points to a relatively shallow in-house engineering team at Boxzy, who relies on fixes coming from the Repetier / RepRap community. So, you'd be wise to check both sites if you have problems, since the Repetier firmware is used in far more machines than just the Boxzy ones.

Hope that provides some useful information to move things forward.


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Re: NEW: Shark HD (Blue) 80mm Spindle Mount Plate

Post by ChubbyRooster »

Again sorry for the late reply, but you are wealth of information Thom. Since my Shark is down and still waiting for a response from the next wave crew (after I answered their initial questions) I am ramping up my learning on the Boxzy. They have two recommendations for creating files, Easel (which I believe some other CNC's use) and Fusion. From the quote you added, it seems I can at least attempt to make some files (our use ones I have), maybe convert to mm prior to creating the toolpath and the Boxzy will run it, did I read that correctly?
Great info Thom and I will try to be more responsive when I ask a question!


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Re: NEW: Shark HD (Blue) 80mm Spindle Mount Plate

Post by ChubbyRooster »

At the bottom of the Home page for Repetier, there is a piece about Custom Repetier-Host, that is the same screen we have for our Boxzy. So far we have used the Laser attachment, going to try the mill attachment next, then dive into the 3D printer head.

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Re: NEW: Shark HD (Blue) 80mm Spindle Mount Plate

Post by ChubbyRooster »

Thom, I just added the G Code (mm) post processor to VCarve, not sure if that is the one I want. Do you know if there is one that is more or less generic I can select?


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Re: NEW: Shark HD (Blue) 80mm Spindle Mount Plate

Post by Rando »

Sounds like some good progress has been made! No worries at all on the time for your response; we all work at the pace life demands.

The VCarve GCode mm posts looked to be about as generic as I could find ;-). There really isn't much to them at all. Open in a text editor, save as a different name, and play all you like :D.

As for converting to mm from inch, very often there are just a few places in the CAD/CAM system that set that.

The first, of course, is in the design software. You set that to work in the dimensions you prefer working. But, with a proper post file, the units you design in shouldn't affect the units the machine gets, if it is restricted to one or the other.

The others places are in the post-processor file. Very often the only difference between the units are that the mm one has a G21 (mm mode) and inch ones have G20 (inch mode) versions. In the Post file, you'll normally find G20/21 in the sections named HEADER and (possibly) NEW_SEGMENT.

Also, there is another setting in the Post file that tells the CAM system what units that Post processor is expected to use. That setting is up near the top of the post file, just past the comments/revision history. Here's that section from one of my inch-mode post files.
POST_NAME = "TLR-CNCShark-USB NewArcs (inch) (*.tap)"
DIRECT_OUTPUT = "CNCShark|CNCShark_run.ini"
With those two settings, when you use that mm Post file, it shouldn't matter what you design the part in, the units going to the CNC should be in mm. Just be sure that any place in the control panel where it claims a unit, you make sure they match! Because a 5mm safe height is NOT the same as a 5 INCH safeheight...and I've plunged a bit straight into a 2-inch (50.8mm ;-) ) block of metal from that little error, so I know from horrified experience. PTSD, the whole thing. :(.

Glad to hear things are moving forward with the Boxzy; hopefully NWA will get it resolved ASAP.


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Re: NEW: Shark HD (Blue) 80mm Spindle Mount Plate

Post by ChubbyRooster »

Thanks Thom, decided it might just be as easy to create the design my project in mm for the Boxzy then not worry about it. Looks like the main board is bad on the Shark, so off to NWA tomorrow for repair. I know the feeling on having something plunge straight in, had the plunge rate wrong a couple times as we are learning and the bit buried itself into the wood and tried to execute the rest of the code...
Thanks again for all your help!

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Re: NEW: Shark HD (Blue) 80mm Spindle Mount Plate

Post by Rando »

ChubbyRooster wrote:Thanks Thom, decided it might just be as easy to create the design my project in mm for the Boxzy then not worry about it. Looks like the main board is bad on the Shark, so off to NWA tomorrow for repair. I know the feeling on having something plunge straight in, had the plunge rate wrong a couple times as we are learning and the bit buried itself into the wood and tried to execute the rest of the code...
Thanks again for all your help!
Sounds like a wise plan, Jim.
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Re: NEW: Shark HD (Blue) 80mm Spindle Mount Plate

Post by ChubbyRooster »

So here is what I learned today. The generic gcode does not appear to work. After a couple of false starts (also downloaded the Easel post processor for VCarve-does not seem to work either?). I exported my files from VCarve as a SVG, imported into Easel, generated the code there, saved it, and ran it on the Boxzy. Have a question posted on the Easel forum to see if there is a better way.


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