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load error

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:57 am
by qyhxj0212
When I finish installing according to order, "VCREDIST -x86..exe" and "CNC CONTROL SHARK" and installed, "LOAD G CODE" jump "LOAD error: EEROR line o unable to open file " alarm, does anyone know, and help me to solve, please give me the reply E-mail " "thank you.

Re: load error

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:01 pm
by fison
If files won’t load its usually either the Shark not connected to the computer or the memory card having a problem.

Re: load error

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:07 pm
by qyhxj0212
qyhxj0212 wrote:When I finish installing according to order, "VCREDIST -x86..exe" and "CNC CONTROL SHARK" and installed, "LOAD G CODE" jump "LOAD error: EEROR line o unable to open file " alarm, does anyone know, and help me to solve, please give me the reply E-mail " "DOES ANYONE WHAT I CAN DO TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM?thank you.

Re: load error

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 7:17 am
by jeb2cav
Hi -

You've not said in this post or you other post on this topic - - what operating system you are using and if this is a laptop or desktop.

I assume you are using Windows7 as you didn't mention installing the .net 3.5 components. If you aren't using Win7, then you still need to do this, and if so, you may want to uninstall the basic panel, install the .net 3.5, run with Windows updater as there is a patch for that, then re-install the basic panel and see if this error is still present. This requirement is highlighted on the Next Wave Automation's download page -

If you are using Win 7, 64 bit, and it is on a laptop - there is at least one other shark user who has gone through 3 different Win 7 64 bit laptops with no success thus far. However, the error is a different one (failure to compile). Only one person responded to his query about other Win 7 users and that person was using a desktop and 64 bit - and was running the previous version of the basic panel - with success. That version of the basic panel is no longer available on the Next Wave web site, but I'm sure Tim could make it available to you to try. Another of the recommendations to try for the other user was setting up a windows virtual machine for XP, and running from there. I haven't tried that myself, but it does make sense that it would work even if the basic panel wouldn't work with the non-virtual machine OS. That is a little extreme, but something you could choose to try. It would be good to know what OS your are using and if this is a laptop.

I took the time to write up my lessons learned in starting with a shark pro plus - - they may or may not be of use to you. I certainly did not run into this load error.

From your other post, Tim Owens has responded and gave 3 steps. It sounds like you've tried the first 2, and may now be down to sending the controller back to Next Wave for repair of some sort. Frankly, I'd hold off on that until you try this with a computer running XP (assuming you are using 64 bit Win7). If you're running into all of this with an XP or Vista OS, it sounds like you're down to return for repair. In that case, I'd call Rockler, get the Next Wave phone number, and talk to them about arranging this.

On a separate topic - for what it's worth - my experience thus far with this forum is that folks do participate, and no question goes unanswered. However, if no one has any ideas, then silence is part of the answer. You/we bought this tool from Rockler, get them to respond.

You can see from my answers/ideas above, I don't have much to add - but, hope it helps you get this resolved with Rockler. I look forward to your response, and information on how this gets solved in the end.