Longest Project Run Time

Discussion about the CNC Shark Pro Plus

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Longest Project Run Time

Post by SummitSeeker »

Hey Forum,

I have an image i want to engrave but every time I fit the vectors it tells me it will take 7+ hours to run the project. Is there a way to stop the project at certain points to give the router a break or do you think it will run for 7+ hours?

Can anyone suggest a project time limit for running a project? Any ideas at all will be helpful...



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Re: Longest Project Run Time

Post by jeb2cav »

Hi - the longest I've run so far is 21 hours. What is somewhat high adventure for this is the shape the router is in. I've been getting 120-130 hours between brush changes on the Colt. It seems like more on the DeWalt, but still counting. I fairly routinely run 4-7 hour jobs. I haven't really noticed any overheating or strain during a long job on the router. If the feed rate and load are good, the router is fine running for great lengths of time.

The high adventure part is when the router stops/fails, and you're not there, and the shark keeps moving along. I certainly don't hang around while it is running, but now when I know it might be a little risky, I might hang around the shop in case it fails (and I decided not to do any maintenance before). And now I'm investigating cleaning the commutator on the router as in one case, a brush change had no impact, and the circuit board is fine.

I think several of us have more than one router on hand, and have purchased the new ones at Lowes with the extended warranty...

There is currently no real graceful way to stop a job in the middle and restart it. If you're concerned about router overheating, you could pause the job - ensure you leave the control box on and computer on with basic panel running - and manually turn off the router. When you're satisfied it has had a long enough break, you could manually turn the router back on, and hit the continue button on the basic panel.

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