Loosing depth on cuts

Questions/answers/discussion about initial setup of your CNC Shark

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Loosing depth on cuts

Post by GaryShaine »

Hi, I'm a new Shark HD5 user. I seem to be having a hard time getting the depth of cut right. Everything looks great in VCarve and I've calculated everything very carefully. But, when I save the tool path onto the USB & transfer it to my controller for the cut, the cut seems to lose 1/8 to 1/4" depth on 2 of the toolpaths. I'm zeroing it out after every tool change to the bottom left, top of material (1x6 pine board). For a post processor, I'm using: CNCShark-USB Archs (inch) (*.tap)

Without going too much into details, anyone have any ideas where to start troubleshooting?

Thanks for any help!

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Re: Loosing depth on cuts

Post by tonydude »

Your board might not be perfectly even, you need a touch plate https://www.nextwaveautomation.com/shop ... p121064790
for virtual zero.


"What will matter is not what you bought but what you built; not what you got, but what you gave”

Aspire 12.010, photo vcarve, cut3D.cnc mako shark extended bed with the new upgraded HD 5 gantry with Led pendent.

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Re: Loosing depth on cuts

Post by GaryShaine »

Thanks for the reply Tonydude. I do plan on getting one in the near future.
For now, I have tried resurfacing the board before any other cuts. I’m about to try some different project to see if there is a consistency there.

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Re: Loosing depth on cuts

Post by GaryShaine »

I tried another cut using a file I got from the Next Wave forum. It's the pendent stand plans that are set up for half inch mdf which is pretty flat. It's loosing 1/4" depth consistently throughout, so it's cutting only halfway through & I believe it to be very flat. When zeroing the Z, I even went a little lower than the surface. What could be going on here? I was thinking maybe the post processor, but I believe I'm using the correct one (albeit it seems it was last updated in 2012)
This is the one I'm using... CNCShark-USB_NewArcs_inch Vcarve, Aspire and Cut 3D Post Processor (1/13/2012)

Here's a quick video of the project...

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Re: Loosing depth on cuts

Post by tonydude »

(8.06 KiB) Not downloaded yet
use this post processor. Is the gantry set too high? Might lower the gantry, I have mine set at the middle ones.


"What will matter is not what you bought but what you built; not what you got, but what you gave”

Aspire 12.010, photo vcarve, cut3D.cnc mako shark extended bed with the new upgraded HD 5 gantry with Led pendent.

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Re: Loosing depth on cuts

Post by GaryShaine »

Yep. That’s the post processor I’m using. The gantry is set to the lowest one which is exactly how they show it in the assembly book. I did talk to them today. Changing the model number of the pendant to 4003 worked for a couple people. Not me overall though. Here’s what I’m noticing. On this particular project, I have 2 types of tap files. I’ve got a pocket tool path that is set to cut 1/4” deep. That seems to cut correctly. My profile cut is set for 1/2” that should take it through the 1/2” mdf . It only cuts at 1/4”.

One thought was that I included all of my toolpaths that used the same bit into one tap file even though there were different depths. I tested them all separately with the same result.

Oddly enough, the pocket works as expected and when I go to the next profile cut, I can clearly see that it is not even cutting into the material at all. It’s actually starting that path above instead of plunging that first cut which I believe is set to go 1/8” on that first pass. Could it be something in the tool or cut settings? Again, the 3D view all looks as expected.
tonydude wrote:
use this post processor. Is the gantry set too high? Might lower the gantry, I have mine set at the middle ones.


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Re: Loosing depth on cuts

Post by tonydude »

Can you post the depth of cut of your profile toolpat? Here is an example, don't worry about my numbers

(11.12 KiB) Not downloaded yet

"What will matter is not what you bought but what you built; not what you got, but what you gave”

Aspire 12.010, photo vcarve, cut3D.cnc mako shark extended bed with the new upgraded HD 5 gantry with Led pendent.

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Re: Loosing depth on cuts

Post by GaryShaine »


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Re: Loosing depth on cuts

Post by tonydude »

Did you reset your z zero for the bit. Recheck all the toolpaths again, might of missed something.


"What will matter is not what you bought but what you built; not what you got, but what you gave”

Aspire 12.010, photo vcarve, cut3D.cnc mako shark extended bed with the new upgraded HD 5 gantry with Led pendent.

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Re: Loosing depth on cuts

Post by GaryShaine »

Ok... I figured it out. Of course it would be user error. Lol. I can admit it. So, my issue... the height of my router. At the z axis lowest point, I was 1/4” shy from the bottom of the material. That would explain why the 1/4” pocket cut was fine. Then in the profile cut, it would hit the bottom and reset the zero. From that point on, the cuts would start above the material.

Man... took me long enough to figure that out. #geniusatwork

I appreciate the help and hope this might be able to help any other noobs out there!

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