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Thoughts on pricing of a piece

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 10:21 pm
by sprevost
I'm not quite sure where this topic would best be categorized, but I need some feedback from my fellow carvers. I have recently started a small business selling some of my woodworking (or trying, anyway :) ) and decided to try a 3d carve on a crosscut piece. I found a small Ebay company that sells a variety of unique cuts of hardwood, particularly walnut. So I purchased an oval crosscut and a unique long cut piece that I plan for some interesting pieces. I didn't realize this at the time of purchase, but one side of the oval crosscut piece is missing the bark. I am considering creating a stand for the piece to set in that would hide this edge; however I would like some opinions other than my own (after all, I am my harshest critic). Do I have to even worry about this edge being barkless if kept visible (i.e. made as a hanging plaque rather than a stand)? Would this have a major effect on the appeal and pricing to the final piece? I have attached a picture of this piece with the affected edge on the bottom of the picture and plan on carving a horse scene. If anyone has an idea of how this may affect the pricing on the piece, I would love to hear feedback. Also, if anyone has ever done a carve on a crosscut piece, do I need to consider anything different carving on end-grain than the typical carve on a board face? Any input helps...Thanks.

Re: Thoughts on pricing of a piece

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 1:42 pm
by sk8nmike
First thing on end cuts. Make sure that the wood is fully cured, I've gone so far as to stabilize pieces with Cyanoacrylate (super glue). As for the missing bark, I'd glue the edges of the remaining bark (super glue again) and then made a stand to fit the gap, or carve another piece to fit there. Make it look like you intended to take that piece of bark off.

Re: Thoughts on pricing of a piece

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 4:56 pm
by sprevost
I appreciate the input. If I spread a finishing CA around the edges where the bark is present to stabilize it, is it still possible to finish with a laquer or will this react somehow? My only familiarity with this is in some pen turning that I have done, finishing the pen with a CA and polish. Does the entire carve have to be stabilized or just the edges?

Re: Thoughts on pricing of a piece

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 6:14 am
by sk8nmike
If the wood is cured I'd just use it on the bark ends to keep it from coing loose. If there are splits in the wood along the edge I'd put some on them. I've not had a problem with CA taking a stain or finish.