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Code is Not Honoring Y Axis Length for 3D Toolpaths

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2024 7:25 pm
by KathyGetto
Hoping for some guidance and/or insight on where to look for help when running both a roughing and finishing 3D toolpath.

Project is set up on a 6" piece of stock that is 1.5" square as is comprised of two jobs.

Job #1, which is created in its own file, is a rounding toolpath that carves the 1.5" square stock down to a 1.0" round stock for a length of 4" centered in the middle of the 6" stock.

Job #2, also created in its own file, has three toolpaths:
A -- is another rounding toolpath that reduces the 1.0" round stock down to 0.9" for a length of 3" centered in the middle of the 6" stock.
This toolpath renders correctly with a diameter of 0.9" at the 3" length.

B -- a 3D Roughing toolpath that carves 'rings' around the dowel to create a spindle.
C -- a 3D Finish toolpath that finished the 3D carving of the spindle.
These toolpaths render correctly on the diameter carving BUT the length of the carves are 4" which is an inch longer than desired and set within the job length.

Took a quick look at Job #2's G code for all toolpaths which state a length of 3". But...

The maximum values for Y on Job 2 A are 1.5 and -1.5 which means it honors the correct length of 3".
The maximum values for Y on Job 2 B + C are 2.0 and -2.0 which means it carves past the correct length of 3".

I've attached an image with snippets of the code which show the length and the maximum Y values.

Any help and/or direction on how to fix are greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Re: Code is Not Honoring Y Axis Length for 3D Toolpaths

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2024 10:03 pm
by Bob
I need to think in terms of a physical world. (It takes me a long time to decipher all the words of code.) If no one else can answer your question, would you please post the crv file/s you are describing. This way I can look at them and give you my opinion.

Re: Code is Not Honoring Y Axis Length for 3D Toolpaths

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2024 1:22 pm
by KathyGetto
Thanks for taking a look.

I had trouble attaching the three files separately, so they are all combined into one line file separated by *****************.

Re: Code is Not Honoring Y Axis Length for 3D Toolpaths

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2024 1:22 pm
by KathyGetto
Thanks for taking a look.

I had trouble attaching the three files separately, so they are all combined into one line file separated by *****************.

(664.13 KiB) Downloaded 62 times

Re: Code is Not Honoring Y Axis Length for 3D Toolpaths

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2024 4:14 pm
by Bob
I was talking about the .crv files used to draw the job, unless you're using Aspire to make 3D models, or if you're talking about rotary machining, then you would need someone with experience in those methods.
However, if you are making 2D, or 2.5D drawings I could be more helpful.
I hope someone who is comfortable with code checks in...

Re: Code is Not Honoring Y Axis Length for 3D Toolpaths

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2024 4:32 pm
by KathyGetto
AOK, Bob.

Sorry for sending the wrong files. I am using VCarve Pro to do some rotary work.

I did go in and edit the Gcode and replaced any of the y=2.00 values. We reran the code and it worked well except for where y=1.9955 and y=1.9997. :)

Thanks for your help!
